some of the reported benefits of vaginal steaming include:


Reasons to Steam: Adolescents(after first period), Fertility, Postpartum Recovery, Pregnancy Loss, Menopause, Postmenopause, Infections, Ovulation pain, Irregular Cycles or Negative Period Side Effects, Uterine Disorders (fibroids, endometriosis, pcos, etc), Negative Sexual Experience or Violation, Pain During Sex, Pelvic Organ Prolapse, Rectum Issues, Fistula, Pelvic Exam, Surgery Prevention or Alternative, Surgery Recovery, Birth Control Detox

Recommended Steam Time; Within the few days after menstruation ( once your fully done bleeding ) for 3-6 cycles/ 3-6 months consistently for best results. Prevention, Maintenance, Detox Support, Speedily Recovery for Pelvic & Womb Care.

Reducing menstrual PMS symptoms such as; bloating, cramps, exhaustion, heavy bleeding, clots, dark brown menstrual blood(residue) or discharge, spot bleeding

Assist to bring on missing or late periods if for unknown reasons or due to birth control, hormonal imbalance, irregular periods *Steam before & after period to ease symptoms and support full uterine cleanse for proper cycle function to next period

Regulate cycles to a healthy 28-30 day natural cycle, 4 days fresh blood (without old residue), consistent flow

Boosting fertility; increased vaginal nectar (clear pleasant-smelling fertile mucus) *Steaming only after your period, before ovulation if trying to conceive

Promoting recovery after childbirth; postpartum & Loss in miscarriage, stillbirth, abortion *Once done bleeding as soon as possible or at 6 weeks

*Alternative, Non-Surgical Ways to help restore and balance: Uterine Disorders & Prostate & Reproductive Issues

Hemorrhoids, fibroids, polycystic ovaries (PCOS), cysts, endometriosis, dryness, infections (BV, STI, Yeast, HPV, UTI)

Recovery from vaginal surgery and hysterectomy side effects, also any vaginal tear, scare tissue, prolapsed uterus

Reducing stress, anxiety, emotions-mood, water retention, headaches, insomnia, tension, pelvic pain, relaxation & deep sleep

Disinfecting unclear discharge (yellow, green, white, thick) odor, irritation, recurring infections, balance pH

Post-traumatic Stress related to sexual abuse and trauma, rape, molestation, assault, etc.

Invites soothing sense of presence & connection to self.

Supporting young maidens after first period, assist cycle tracking (healthy regular cycles, hormone balancing, womb care and knowledge)

Peri, Menopause, Post Menopause- relief for symptoms (clots, old residue, discharge, infection, hot flashes, night sweat, radiate heat, dryness) *Hormone Support & Vitality after menstruation stops. When all of the organs are healthy, the body is in balance & the immunity is strongest.

Incredible experience for stimulating sex (low libido) and your sexual sensation & pleasure, deeper connection, self love awareness & inner peace

Overall Energy and Womb Cleanse for stagnation to support your portal of Intuition, Wisdom, Creation

*Situations you can Not Steam: Currently on period, fresh spotting, prone to spontaneous bleeding (2 periods a month), burning itch, open wound or herpes outbreak, Pregnant. If trying to conceive or doing IUI/IVF if Past ovulation can not steam.