I am excited to introduce you to Vaginal Steaming through Retreats, Events and Private Sessions. In these beautiful and tranquil spaces you will be treated like the queen you are while being educated on how steaming can specifically benefit you. You will sit upon a handmade steaming throne for 30 minutes while you unwind, sit back cleanse and detox. I use certified herbs in combination with filtered water to ensure your being fully supported in this process.

𝐒𝐢𝐭𝐮𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐦:

•Menstruating (currently on period)
•Currently have fresh spotting
•If prone to spontaneous heavy bleeding, bleeding between periods (Seek acupuncture & herbal support first)
•Having a burning itch or open wound or herpes outbreak
•Are Pregnant
•If trying to conceive only Steam before ovulation (right after period) or before IUI/IVF transfer

Situations where steaming is okay: IUD, hormonal birth control, depo-provera shot, viruses, bacteria or yeast infection, bladder infection, Lichen Sclerosis, interstitial cystitis, high blood pressure, autoimmune disorders, retrofitted uterus, breastfeeding, gynecological disorder ( Fibroids, Endometriosis, PCOS, Ovarian & Cervical Cysts, Polyps, Adhesions, Scarring, Premenstrual syndrome, Infertility, Hormone Imbalance )


For first time steaming :

We start with a consultation to better help understand your needs & goals through steaming. We then proceed with a 30 minute session using steam and a tailored blend of herbs to help cleanse and heal your specific needs.

*You will receive an email for the online intake form that needs to be filled out to hold your appointment with your confirmation.


phone consultation

25 minutes

Phone consultation for answering any questions you have regarding steaming and recommendations are made for tailored herb blends and an at home steam plan with links to all supplies to do in your own Home!

*Be sure to check your email once appointment is accepted for instructions.


Bringing Steaming TO Your Location
By Request

Group steaming for Retreats, Events, Workshops, Ceremony, Celebration, Holiday, Pamper Parties, Spa Parties…
$333 starting private gatherings (minimum 4) $50 per steam @ Retreats, Events ( 8 + )

- All over Oahu, Honolulu/ Hawaii Kai/ Kailua/ Wai’anae/ North Shore

Educational Menstrual & Womb Workshops via online Zoom or at Location on Oahu $100 Per Hour (+gas for travel)

Bringing the steaming experience to you on Oahu. I will provide everything needed for this group steaming experience including steam set up, gowns, meditation or music, sound bowl. You may request for service out side of my regular business hours. You will need to provide names of everyone steaming and email when booking. Deposit of $100 will hold your appointment and be credited to total, everyone is required to fill out intake form to steam.


Wahine Steam Circle

Register for group Womens Steam Circles

- Yoni Steam Circles @
*8 Limited steaming at once

Wahine group steam circles, facilitated by Punani Steam in different events around island. Set intentions with the moon & wahine energy. Call in connection and harmony in safe community setting. Guided meditation and sound healing provided while you enjoy steaming. Circles take place monthly and seasonally.

Private Session in Palolo Valley, Oahu

Come and experience Punani Steaming in my Private Oasis. Steaming sessions for one or two on thrones, or with friends 6 total together in this beautiful space. Steaming Yoni(female)/Lingam(male). You will receive special instructions on location via email confirmation. Honolulu side, 15 minutes from Waikiki.




Womb Oil


Increase lymph and blood circulation to the lower abdomen and reproductive organs with a womb massage oil. Placing a few drops in the belly button can help relieve stomach pain and issues with bloating, constipation, and promoting digestive health.

Oil pack over womb will ease; pms, help fertility/fallopian tubes, cysts/pcos, fibroids, endometriosis, adhesions.


ROLL ON OIL blends


Handmade in small batches, these beautiful scented roll-on oils are crafted using a variety of all-natural botanical elements and essential oils which heal & relax.


Punani Tea

$25 Womb Wellness / $20 Golden Womb

Loose Leaf Herbal Blend:

Womb Wellness - Supporting you with hormonal changes and menstrual cycle. Soothing to the symptoms of cramping, heavy flow, mood and nourishing to the uterus function.

Golden Womb - Supporting you with Digestion. Soothing to the symptoms of bloating, pain, cramping, nausea, inflammation, poor circulation and immune function.